Twelfth Session of the Committee of Experts on UN-GGIM UN-GGIM Academic Network and Geospatial Societies

Side-event Speakers

Georg Gartner

Presentation Title: In Maps, We Trust! Trustworthiness of Geodata and their Visualisations (PPT: 2022 P1 - In Maps we Trust)

Paloma Merodio

Presentation Title: Ethics in the Use of Geospatial Information: the Case of the Americas (PPT: 2022 P2 - Ethical Use of Geospatial Data)

Rosario Casanova

Presentation Title: Ethics in Geospatial Science Education (PPT: 2022 P3 - Ethics in GIScience Education)

Joep Crompvoets

Presentation Title: Ethics in Geospatial Science Education (PPT: 2022 P3 - Ethics in GIScience Education)