A Sustainable and Resilient World: Capacity Building and Geospatial Research for Implementing the SDGs



Prof Abbas Rajabifard, Chair, UN‐GGIM Academic Network and Director, Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration, The University of Melbourne, Australia, Male, abbas.r@unimelb.edu.au
Topic: “A Sustainable and Resilient World: Capacity Building and Geospatial Research for Implementing the SDGs”
Prof Maria Brovelli and Prof Ivana Ivanova, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, maria.brovelli@polimi.it
Topic: “Open Science and Education for Implementing SDG”
Prof Menno‐Jan Kraak, Advisory Board, UN‐GGIM Academic Network and Professor, University of Twente, The Netherlands, Male, m.j.kraak@utwente.nl
Topic: “Train the Map Makers, Educate the Map Users”
Prof Huayi Wu, Advisory Board, UN‐GGIM Academic Network and Professor, Wuhan University, China, Male, wuhuayi@whu.edu.cn
Topic: “Sharing and Utilizing Night Light Remote Sensing Images of Luojia 1‐A”
Prof Chryssy Potsiou, President, FIG, National Technical University of Athens, Female, chryssy.potsiou@gmail.com
Topic: “FIG Recent Activity in Developing Partnerships for the Implementation of UN SDGs”
Dr Zhixuan (Jenny) Yang, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, China, Female, zhixuan.yang@unimelb.edu.au
Topic: “Implementing SDGs in Smart Cities Beyond Digital Tools”
Dr Zaffar Sadiq Mohamed‐Ghouse, President, SSSI Australia, Male, zaffar.mg@spatialvision.com.au
Topic: “Role of National Professional Body supporting SDG’s through Certification and CPD – An Australian Perspective”
Drs. Michael Starek, Gary Jeffress, Tianxing Chu, Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science Texas A&M University‐Corpus Christi, USA, Michael.Starek@tamucc.edu
Topic: “3D Geospatial Information for Sustainable Coasts: Emerging Solutions and Applications”