We are delighted to invite you to join us and participate in the International Symposium and Workshops on ‘A Smart Sustainable Future for All 2018‘ from 24–26 September 2018. This event is hosted by the University of Melbourne’s Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructure and Land Administration (CSDILA) and Centre for Disaster Management and Public Safety (CDMPS), in co-partnership with The World Bank (the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery and the Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice), and supported by the UN-GGIM Academic Network as well as various national and international organisations.
The symposium will bring together the academic and research community with frontline stakeholders in government, industry and professional bodies to explore the state of play (in knowledge and practice), identify local, national, and global challenges, and discuss recent research and innovative solutions that address all facets of achieving our common aspirations for a smart and sustainable future for all.
During the symposium, we will release a major report on a research framework that links the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with various facets of disaster management. The Symposium will be preceded by a one-day parallel workshop on Smart Land and Urban Data Management (Workshop 1) and Leading During Crisis and Developing a Next Generation Management Team (Workshop 2). The Symposium will feature invited keynote presentations, plenary panel forum and parallel technical presentations around the themes identified here. The event also includes a forum for the World Bank project on resilience and resilience impact of land and geospatial data infrastructure for disaster risk management.
We hope to see you in Melbourne in September 2018! Register here, follow our twitter for updates @SSFuture18.